Celebrating 10 Years of Neighborhood Forest

March 24, 2019 by vnarula

We are celebrating 10 years of Neighborhood Forest this spring! What we are really celebrating is our Earth, the beautiful trees, our children, and the magic of planting and watching trees grow.

Now that we have been around a decade, we are starting to harvest and gather inspiring “then and now” photos of the kids with their trees (see below).

These photos and stories are bringing us joy and inspiration and giving us the much-needed soul fuel to keep going and growing.

If you have a “then and now” (or even now) photo, which you would like to share, please feel free to share directly on our Facebook page.

It would make our 10th anniversary that much more special.


Since 2010, Neighborhood Forest has reached over 100 schools, 60,000 families, and planted over 30,000 (mostly residential and urban) trees through the hands of children and parents across America and Canada.

When we see these photos of kids with their trees, we are inspired to reach even more schools and children. We would like to reach every child in North America and, eventually, the world.

We are looking for ideas, resources, sponsors, and partners to help us get there. We are looking to invest in our website, back-end technology, and logistics platform to help us scale our operation to reach as many children as possible.

We appreciate and welcome your support!


Investment to plant an urban tree through the hands of a child and their parents via Neighborhood Forest:

Health, environmental, and economic benefits from one urban tree over its lifetime:

Getting to plant and watch a tree grow from seedling to maturity:

Thank you for working with us all these years to make this an incredibly rewarding and heart-warming experience that will continue to pay dividends for decades to come.