Neighborhood Forest Partners with Futurist Dana Klisanin for Earth Day 2024

February 12th, 2024

Collaboration Inspires Young Climate Activists Through Trees and Books

In honor of Earth Day 2024, Neighborhood Forest joins with acclaimed author and futurist Dana Klisanin to engage and inspire young climate activists.

Every Earth Day, Neighborhood Forest gives free trees to kids through schools, libraries, and youth organizations that register with the program. The nonprofit has even pinned a tree at every location where a child in their program has planted a tree over the past ten years.

This month, when parents and guardians sign their child up for a free tree, they will have the opportunity to purchase additional educational enrichment items, including Dr. Klisanin’s book Future Hack, the captivating first installment of “The Chronicles of G.A.I.A.” series. The highly acclaimed novel emboldens middle-grade students to embrace a growth mindset in the face of crises such as climate change. Every book purchased will fund a tree for a child in the Neighborhood Forest program.


“We are thrilled about our collaboration with Dana and Future Hack to promote our shared mission of inspiring youth environmentalism,” says Vikas Narula, cofounder and CEO of Neighborhood Forest.

Dr. Klisanin adds, “I am equally excited to champion our future generation by joining hands with Neighborhood Forest to support their initiative to provide children with trees and books – immersive real-world educational tools to fuel their minds and bodies.”

About Neighborhood Forest:
Founded in 2010 by Vikas Narula and his wife, Priya Narula, Neighborhood Forest traces its roots back to Vikas’ college days in the early 1990s at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa. Introduced to a free tree project by David Kidd, Vikas, and his college friends adopted the program, distributing tens of thousands of trees to school children in southeast Iowa.

After relocating to Minneapolis, Vikas reignited his passion for giving trees to schoolchildren when his first son entered kindergarten, leading to the establishment of Neighborhood Forest. Starting with four schools in Minneapolis, the initiative has expanded to encompass over 1,500 schools, libraries, and youth groups in all 50 states across the United States and 5 provinces in Canada.

Every Earth Day, Neighborhood Forest distributes free trees to students nationwide, aiming to extend its reach to every child in North America and, ultimately, worldwide.

They have given over 100,000 kids their very own tree since 2021 and are aiming to reach 1 million children in the next few years.

With new institutions registering with the program every day, raising support for Neighborhood Forest through the current campaign is vital. For additional details, visit or contact

About Dana Klisanin:
Featured in Forbes as one of the world’s top female futurists, Dana’s multifaceted career spans pioneering work in conscious media and global environmental advocacy. As CEO of Evolutionary Guidance Media and founder of ReWilding: Lab, she advocates for ‘rewilding the human psyche’ to improve environmental and human well-being. Her influential work, advising governments, corporations, and NGOs, includes award-winning research.

Stanford University recently published her theoretical research on resilience and the antifragility mindset in Intersections, Reinforcements, Cascades: Proceedings of the 2023 Stanford Existential Risks Conference.

About Future Hack (Chronicles of G.A.I.A. series):
Dr. Dana Klisanin introduces Future Hack, the inaugural book in the “Chronicles of G.A.I.A.” series published by Genius Cat Books. With a mission to inspire young climate activists and immerse them in the world of anticipatory thinking, the series speaks to environmental activism, education, and empowering the next generation. The kid heroes in this innovative series are recruited by the Global Anticipatory Intelligence Agency (aka: G.A.I.A.) to work on behalf of our fragile planet.

Neighborhood Forest Recognized as Top Tree Planting Charity

nhfNeighborhood Forest has been recognized as a top tree-planting charity by Impactful Ninja – a leading influencer and content creator centered around sustainable living and climate action.

Neighborhood Forest has been recognized as a distinguished tree-planting charity as well as a leader in environmental education.

We are honored and touched to be named alongside many other great organizations doing important work in the world, including Living Lands and Waters, The Jane Goodall Institute, and The International Tree Foundation.

We know and believe that this recognition will continue to help us reach more children as we spread joy, beauty, and goodness through tree planting and youth engagement.

Thank you, Impactful Ninja!!

2023 Tree Species Details

Please use our Downloadable Species Guide to view the Earth Day 2023 Tree Species!

We aim to provide native trees in all of the areas we serve and a diversity of trees each year.

Click here to learn more about why Native Trees are so important!


Neighborhood Forest Inaugurates Neighborhood Forest Day – April 26th

April 26th, 2022

Happy Neighborhood Forest Day!

This year, Neighborhood Forest introduced April 26th as Neighborhood Forest Day – A Festival of (Free) Trees celebrating kids, trees, and the planet.

Neighborhood Forest Day falls in the heart of Earth Week (April 22-30) – four days after Earth Day (April 22) and a few days before Arbor Day (which is observed on the last Friday in April).

Neighborhood Forest Day is a day of celebration – recognizing the goodness and generosity of humanity – a celebration of abundance, unity, connection, and joy.



Trees have a way of bringing people together. Neighborhood Forest is serving people in red states and blue states, rural and urban settings, and people from every race, religion, age group, and socio-economic demographic represented in our country.

We don’t discriminate on any basis. Just as the tree provides shade to all who seek it, Neighborhood Forest provides free trees to all children.

This Earth Week, Neighborhood Forest gave 40,000 kids in 48 states (including Canada) their very own tree to plant. Since 2010, we have reached over 250,000 families, over 900 institutions, and given over 90,000 kids their very own tree to plant!

Our goal is to reach every child in North America and eventually the world.

Join us in our celebration!


Your Trees Are Coming Soon!

April 11th, 2022

Dear Parents, Grand Parents, Guardians, Volunteers, Coordinators, Families, and Children,

Your trees are coming soon!

You are one of 30,000+ individuals that will be planting a tree during Earth Week (April 22-30). Most of you will be planting this tree with your child(ren) and / or family and friends.

Together, with your help and efforts, 40,000 trees will be planted in 48 states (including Canada) in just a couple of weeks!

You are part of one of the largest coordinated, volunteer, urban / residential tree planting projects – involving children – in North America!

We are thrilled that you are participating!

This email contains important information about your trees, including

1) Arrival information – trees will be available to you sometime during Earth Week (April 22-30). The Neighborhood Forest Coordinator at your school, library, youth group, or organization will be in touch with you about pick-up / send-home details as we get closer to Earth Day (April 22). If you do not hear from them or do not receive your trees by April 28th, please contact them and / or us to ensure that you receive your tree(s).

2) Species details – check out the 9 beautiful species we are shipping to different states and provinces across the continent! We aim to provide native trees in all the regions we serve.

3) Planting and Care Instructions – we are very pleased to have partnered with NuMinds Enrichment to create this lovely online, kid-friendly, engaging tutorial on planting and caring for your tree.


4) STEAM Curriculum – NuMinds has also created this wonderful 6-lesson “Science of Trees” curriculum (Grades K through 6+) to augment and enrich the tree planting and learning experience. Each purchase of the curriculum will fund 4 free trees for children next year!


5) The Neighborhood Forest Board Game – the geniuses at NuMinds have also created this amazing, new, original Neighborhood Forest Board Game! Fun for the whole family and / or classroom. This game takes participants on a journey of planting and growing their own Neighborhood Forest. With each purchase of the board game, you get the “Science of Trees” curriculum and 8 kids get free trees next year!


6) Share a picture on our Facebook page! Want to thank us? Please share photos of your kids with their trees – we love seeing and sharing the photos, which will eventually add to our growing library of “then and nows“. Thank you!


We are giving away 9 different species of trees in 48 states (including Canada) this year:

(Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming)

Eastern Redcedar
(Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio)

(Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Washington DC)

Incense Cedar
(Arizona, California, Nevada)

Red Maple
(Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia)

Southern Magnolia

(Alaska, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Wisconsin)

White Birch
(Massachusetts, Pennsylvania)

White Spruce
(Ontario, Canada)

These are all beautiful trees!

Pictures and descriptions of each species here.

Some key points to keep in mind:

1) Keep your tree in a cool, dark place (refrigerated for those in northern states) until you plant it

2) Protect your newly planted tree from wildlife and lawnmowers with a little fence and netting



3) Put some mulch around it



4) Water generously or in accordance with recommendations for your particular tree species



5) Please take a picture of your child(ren) with your newly planted tree (and share on our Facebook page, if you are comfortable) – watching your tree and kids grow together is a magical joy!

Finally, I want to say that these trees are small and vulnerable. Not all of them survive and that is Ok. It is a part of life and a part of the tree planting process. We do our part and then we have to leave the rest to Mother Nature. A lost tree seedling might break a child’s heart and there is a great lesson in this too. We mustn’t give up! We will keep sending you trees each year and we will keep on planting them.

I had to plant many trees before this one finally made it and reached maturity!



Thank you, again, for participating in Neighborhood Forest’s 13th annual free tree giveaway. We are excited to see all the smiling faces with their little trees!

Our program is made possible through generous donations and sponsorships. Check out our growing community of sponsors.

If you, an organization, a business, or someone you know would like to sponsor our program, please contact us or go to our GoFundMe campaign. We still have some funds to raise!

Thank you!

Happy Earth Day (4/22)
Happy Neighborhood Forest Day (4/26)
Happy Arbor Day (4/30)

Happy Earth Week (4/22-4/30)

Happy Spring!

Vikas and The Neighborhood Forest Team

Neighborhood Forest Receives $125,000 Matching Grant

Vincent Argiro, philanthropist, entrepreneur, poet, and sailor, has recently offered a matching grant of up to $125,000 for Neighborhood Forest’s Earth Day 2022 free tree giveaway. For every dollar raised between now and Earth Day (April 22), Vincent will match, dollar-for-dollar, up to $125,000 in donations. By reaching this goal, Neighborhood Forest will be able to give a record 50,000 children their very own tree to plant on Earth Day 2022.

Neighborhood Forest is honored and delighted to have Vincent Argiro as our founding member of the Board of Trustees.

Vincent has long had a deep love for trees and the planet, beginning with the first Earth Day in 1970 when he was just 14 years old. Since joining the board of Neighborhood Forest in 2019, he has single-handedly committed to giving over 40,000 children their very own tree to plant on Earth Day.


His attention and guidance to our program have helped it reach new heights of possibility and scale. Vincent has a long track record of creating vision and bringing that vision to life. In the late 1980s, he founded a revolutionary medical software company (Vital Images, Inc., now part of Canon Medical Informatics), which ended up touching the lives of millions of patients across the world by revolutionizing aspects of radiological diagnosis and surgical planning.

Vincent’s connection to Neighborhood Forest’s roots go deep. He met Vikas Narula, Neighborhood Forest Founder, when Vikas was in high school. He watched from afar as Vikas worked alongside fellow college students at Maharishi International University (MIU) to plant thousands of trees through the hands of children across southeast Iowa in the early 1990s.

After graduating from MIU with a degree in computer science, Vikas joined Vincent’s software company and worked there for 11 years. During his tenure, they formed an endearing mentor-mentee relationship that was often coined by other colleagues as “V2V”.

Years later, after going their separate ways, Vincent and Vikas have rejoined forces to touch the lives of millions of children with trees.

Vincent’s incredible generosity and commitment to our kids and planet continues to inspire and humble us.

To contribute to The Vincent Argiro / Neighborhood Forest Free Tree Matching campaign please visit:


UPS Partners with Neighborhood Forest

November 12, 2021

We are very pleased to announce that UPS has entered into a strategic partnership with Neighborhood Forest to help plant 50 million trees by 2030.

UPS has partnered with several tree-planting non-profits and initiatives to reach this goal. This latest partnership with Neighborhood Forest will focus on urban and residential tree-planting through the hands of children in diverse neighborhoods across the United States.

Neighborhood Forest plants tens of thousands of trees every year through the hands of children. Since 2010, we have reached over 100,000 families and planted over 50,000 (mostly urban and residential) trees through the hands of children in 35 states across the country. Our goal is to reach every child in America and eventually the world.

The UPS Foundation loves (and aligns with) the mission of Neighborhood Forest and has committed to give 5,000 children their very own tree to plant on Earth Day 2022.


“UPS is committed to making our planet greener, cleaner, and more beautiful. We love trees and we love planting them and seeing them grow. What better way to green our planet than through the hands of our precious children? We love the mission of Neighborhood Forest and are excited to partner with them to reach more children and communities all across the country. They have a 12-year track record of giving back through children and trees.”, said Joe Ruiz, Vice President of Social Impact at UPS.

“We are honored and delighted to be partnering with UPS to give more children the priceless experience of planting and watching trees grow. Together, we are going to reach every child in America and eventually the world. We are delighted to be part of this win / win partnership.”, said Vikas Narula, Founder of Neighborhood Forest.


Neighborhood Forest in Cahoots with Cahoot!

April 20, 2021

Neighborhood Forest has formed a strategic partnership with Cahoot, an e-commerce fulfillment network that has been recognized by Fast Company as one of the world’s most innovative logistics companies.

Neighborhood Forest loves planting trees and watching them grow. An average American family creates an annual carbon footprint equivalent to what 75 trees sequester in their lifetime. According to GlobeNewsWire, the global average of each human’s carbon emissions per year is 6 TONS of Carbon Dioxide. SIX. TONS. Planting SIX trees per month (72/year) is enough to balance out that six tons per year. Neighborhood Forest helps offset that carbon footprint by introducing tens of thousands of children to the joy of growing trees every year. It has provided over 50,000 trees to over 400 schools, libraries, and youth groups since its inception in 2010.

Neighborhood Forest experienced a record amount of tree sign-ups this year, significantly outpacing our normal capacity to fulfill orders in time for Earth Day 2021. We needed an immediate solution that aligned with our mission to help the planet. With some research, luck, and serendipity, we found Cahoot – the world’s first peer-to-peer e-commerce fulfillment network! With its collaborative “Power of Many” business model, merchants store inventory and fulfill orders for each other on the Cahoot network.

Cahoot’s revolutionary technology and business methods cut down the distance packages need to travel. By intelligently placing inventory closer to customers – businesses and non-profit organizations can deliver goods quickly using sustainable ground shipping rather than air freight. This made Cahoot the perfect fulfillment partner for Neighborhood Forest. Cahoot provided the essential additional storage and fulfillment services required to deliver thousands of 6-12” White Pine trees to kids throughout the U.S. in time for this Earth Day (April 22).

According to Cahoot Founder and CEO Manish Chowdhary, “At its heart, Cahoot makes e-commerce and shipping greener. Ground shipping produces 85% less CO2 emissions and costs up to 50% less than air cargo. It’s a win-win for the planet, the merchant, and the end-consumer whenever we optimize an order! Our partnership with Neighborhood Forest is a no-brainer because we believe in a greener world while making green!”

“We are thrilled to partner with Cahoot. Together, we’re enabling even more families across the US to make the world greener with the additional fulfillment capabilities that Cahoot brings. Best of all, we’re doing it affordably and sustainably with ground shipping. Coincidentally, there is even a mention of the word “Cahoots” in the popular “I Love Trees” song written and sung by Katie Strand in honor of trees, Neighborhood Forest, and Earth Day,” said Vikas Narula, Founder of Neighborhood Forest.

‘Trees talk through their roots, interconnected they’re in cahoots!’

“Now, we’re in cahoots with Cahoot – it’s so perfect”, said Vikas.

Due to the overwhelming demand for trees, Neighborhood Forest has stopped taking tree orders for this coming Earth Day. However, they welcome others to join their carbon-neutral family with sponsorships and donations of any size at or support the GoFundMe campaign at

Cahoot is the world’s first peer-to-peer eCommerce fulfillment network that helps online businesses offer nationwide 1-day and 2-day deliveries. Cahoot offers drastically lower fulfillment fees because it enables merchants to store and ship the merchandise for each other. This novel business model also allows merchants to make extra money using their existing warehouse space and personnel. Visit or LinkedIn

Neighborhood Forest was founded in 2010 by Vikas Narula. When he was a college student in the early 1990s at Maharishi International University (Fairfield, Iowa), he learned of a free tree project started by David Kidd of Ohio. Vikas and his college friends adopted the program and gave away tens of thousands of trees to schoolchildren across southeast Iowa. What began, in 2010, with four schools in Minneapolis has grown to over 400 schools, libraries, and youth groups in 35 states across America and Canada. Neighborhood Forest’s goal is to reach every child in North America and, eventually, the world.