2023 Tree Species Details

Please use our Downloadable Species Guide to view the Earth Day 2023 Tree Species!

We aim to provide native trees in all of the areas we serve and a diversity of trees each year.

Click here to learn more about why Native Trees are so important!


Coordinator Program Guide – Guidelines & FAQs

Hello Coordinators!

Please click through our Coordinator Program Guide below to learn more about our program and answer some commonly asked questions.

Thank you for helping us spread joy, beauty, and goodness!

Important Information About Your Trees!

Posted on April 25, 2019 by vnarula

Dear Parents,

Happy Earth Day (and Week)!  Your tree is coming (if it has not already)!

Thank you for registering to receive and plant a free tree with your child(ren) through Neighborhood Forest!

You are part of a coordinated national tree planting initiative that will involve close to 7000 families across North America!

Important Information About Your New Tree

Trees are being shipped to schools this week and will be brought home with your child(ren) by Thursday or Friday this week.

Please keep your tree refrigerated and roots damp until planted!

Most of you will be receiving an Eastern Red Cedar tree.  Below is information about your new tree and some simple planting instructions.

The eastern redcedar grows to a height of 40–50′ and a spread of 8–20′ at maturity and grows at a medium rate, with height increases of 13–24″ per year.

Redcedars are unusually long-lived, with the potential to live over 900 years. The oldest tree reported, from West Virginia, is 940 years old!


Full sun is the ideal condition for this tree, meaning it should get at least six hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day.

Redcedar foliage provides nesting and roosting cover for sparrows, robins, mockingbirds, juncos, and warblers.

The eastern redcedar is an ancient tree, dating back to aboriginal America.

Want to thank us?

Please send us pictures of your kids with the trees!  We love seeing the smiling kids with their trees, especially when they are planted.

We are celebrating our 10th year of giving away free trees and we are starting to collect “then and now” photos of the kids and their trees (see below).  We would love to collect more!

These pictures keep us inspired and motivated – please share the joy! You can post them on our Facebook page.

We are ever so grateful for your participation in our program.

It would not be possible without dedicated parents, children, schools, coordinators, volunteers, and sponsors.

Thank you for making this spring season extra special!
