2024 Annual Impact Report

We are so thrilled to share our impact, progress, and appreciation with you in our 2024 Annual Impact Report!


Donor Spotlight – The Uldrich Family

Why We Contribute to Neighborhood Forest: Planting Seeds of a Better Tomorrow


The Uldrich family, of Minneapolis, has a deep-rooted love for trees (pun intended). It’s a love that goes beyond themselves and into a hope of a better future for generations to come. We asked Jack Uldrich, a well-recognized global futurist, speaker, and author, “Why does your family give to Neighborhood Forest?”  His response was, “The short, simple answer is that our family loves trees. (As the photos below attest.) At a deeper level, however, our love of trees transcends time.”

A Question that Touched Their Hearts

The Uldrich family’s story begins with a question posed by the renowned Jonas Salk, the developer of one of the first polio vaccines: “Are we being good ancestors?” This question struck a chord deep within their hearts, leading them to contemplate their legacy and the impact they were leaving on the planet.

Their honest reflection yielded a qualified “yes,” recognizing their efforts to “walk as lightly as possible upon the Earth” but acknowledging that we should, could, and must be doing more.

From Acorns to Oak Trees

Three years ago, the Uldrich family embarked on a journey to plant trees. It started with collecting acorns in late summer and germinating them over the winter in their basement refrigerator. They nurtured the oak saplings through spring and summer, preparing them for a new home in the fall, where they would be safe from threats like squirrels and deer.

Reestablishing an Oak Savannahneighborhoodforest

Two years ago they began visiting Jack’s alma mater, St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota for few days every spring to plant Oak trees in an effort to reestablish an Oak savannah on the campus. This act serves a dual purpose: leaving a lasting physical legacy for future generations and mitigating, in a small way, the ravishing effects of climate change.

Joining Neighborhood Forest

Then, last year, the Uldrich family learned about Neighborhood Forest and the organization’s dedication to planting trees through the hands of children. They were thrilled to become sustaining members wanting to amplify their tree planting efforts and recognizing that more needed to be done especially due their family’s carbon footprint, which is larger than average due to Jack’s business travels. By supporting Neighborhood Forest, they found a way to help offset their carbon emissions and expand their tree planting efforts.

Jack shared, “Still, we know we must do even more if future generations are to have any hope of a better future, and we are eager to help Neighborhood Forest grow into a thriving organization that spans all of North America–and beyond.”

Living by a Beautiful Proverb

The Uldrich family’s love for trees and their dedication to planting them is beautifully encapsulated by an ancient Greek proverb: “Societies thrive when old people plant trees under whose shade they will never sit.”

In short, we love Neighborhood Forest because it is living this proverb and, in the process, making the world a better place today and for future generations.”

A Call to Action

The Uldrich family’s story is an inspiring example of how one family’s love for trees can lead to meaningful change. They invite you to join them in supporting Neighborhood Forest or even becoming sustaining members. In closing, Jack shared one last quote that their family loves and aims to live by, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years. The next best time is today.”

Jack, Cindy, Meghan and Sean Uldrich

Minneapolis, Minnesota



Changemaker Shoutout! – Levi and Elizabeth

Levi Tracey (4th grade) and Elizabeth Sayler (3rd grade) are two students at Avon Montessori Academy in Avon, Ohio. Together they worked to plan and execute a bake sale raising over $700 dollars to donate to Neighborhood Forest! Julie Felder, Head of the School, interviewed these two students about their wonderful efforts. See their responses below!



Levi: It wasn’t always going to be for Neighborhood Forest. At first it was to buy trees and plant them. I found out about Neighborhood Forest through our local library and we did research about them and went on their website. We liked the organization and they have a good mission to get children trees.

Elizabeth: Because we were driving on a field trip and I was sitting with Levi. We saw a lot of garbage outside. And we thought it would be good to do a fundraiser to save the earth because there is a lot of litter and garbage outside.


Levi: I like nature, it’s fun to be outside. And I want it to last longer.

Elizabeth: So that we can enjoy being outside instead of being inside. Climbing trees and being outside on nice days is so fun.


Levi: That we were able to get 150 trees to people through the organization. That’s a lot of trees for a lot of kids – it’s gonna be a lot of trees!

Elizabeth: That we raised a lot of money and a lot of people have supported us.


Elizabeth: Thank you to everyone who supported us.


Thanks to Levi and Elizabeth’s generosity and hard work, Avon Montessori Academy will be receiving 100 White Pine Trees for all of their students to plant for Earth Week 2023! The rest of their donation will be used to provide more children trees in our program. We are so deeply touched and moved by this unexpected act of love, generosity, and service by these two young changemakers.

“The mission of Avon Montessori Academy is to cultivate and inspire each individual within the school community to excel as lifetime scholars, creative thinkers, and responsible citizens. Members of our school community act with respect, compassion, integrity, and heart. Weaving the Montessori philosophy with a warm and charming environment, we place emphasis on whole child development, peace education, and care of the Earth.”

A New Year and A New Beginning

Posted on January 31, 2019 by vnarula


We’re a month into the New Year, and that means resolutions have been made, and some have already been abandoned. It means we’ve contemplated the past year, and considered changes for this one to come. It means we have new hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

Hopes, dreams, and aspirations sometimes change, but I’ve always loved nature. I’ve always believed our Earth to be an extension of ourselves, and we of it. So of course I love trees, and I feel honored to have to joined Neighborhood Forest this year.


During my research to learn more about trees, I learned a tree goes through a life cycle much like a human’s (including birth, infancy, adolescence, teen, adulthood, and maturity). This fact was eye opening for me. I’ve always felt trees were somewhat majestic. Now, I see trees as unique beings, that provide us clean air and oxygen, shade us from the sun, and are home to so many other kinds of life. I also see that every tree is special, just like every person. Isn’t it a beautiful thing we get to share that wonder with children, our neighbors and future generations?

This new year your resolutions don’t have to be huge or nearly unattainable. What are you grateful for, thankful for, even if it’s something small? Even if it’s something as small as a tree seedling. I’m grateful that I get to share my love of nature with children and our communities. My resolution is to share that love as far and wide as I can this year. What are you going to go?


If you would like to join in on the Neighborhood Forest mission, and share your love of nature with school children, giving them free trees for Earth Day and teaching them about community, consider becoming a sponsor or contact us to find out how you can help. Let’s grow this New Year into a better future together:)
